Monastery fortress Negru Vodă (Mănăstirea Cetățuia Negru Vodă)
Yesterday, 1st of August was a very important day for the Romanian Orthodox, the first day of the Virgin Mary's fast. So I decided to go to a monastery, also being Sunday. I have been doing some research of what to do in Arges, one of the Romanian counties, and i found a place i ve never heard of: The Monastery Fortress Negru Voda, the so called "Romanian Meteora". This tiny monastery is one of the oldest Cave monasteries in the country, and it is located on the top of a rock (from here the name) and surrounded by forest. It all seemed easy and very beautiful, so we decided to give it a go and see this place with our own eyes. Jumped in the car, drove from Pitesti to Campulung, stopped for the mass at the Negru Voda Church, continued with a stop at the Namaiesti Church, another monastery in a rock, where we got lucky to touch the Virgin Mary's icon, which is making wishes come true. We felt blessed. I remind you it is August, so it was very hot, already mid-day, so ...